How well do you know Iron Man? Let’s find it out with this 15 questions Iron Man quiz!

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What's the real name of Iron Man?
Iron Man's alter ego is Tony Stark.
How is it called Tony Stark's business?
Stark Industries was founded by Tony's father during the early twentieth century, a great pioneer in different types of technology.
Is Iron Man a Marvel or DC character?
Iron Man is a Marvel superhero.
Which suit did Tony Stark wear in Iron Man 2?
Tony begging Pepper to throw him the Mark V's briefcase so that he can suit up and deal with Vanko. The Mark 5, also known by Suitcase Armor, is an Emergency Suit and was the fifth Iron Man Armor designed and created by Tony Stark.
Who is Iron Man first movie director?
Jon Favreau
What is the name of Tony's father?
Howard Stark is the name of Tony's father.
Where was Tony Stark held captive in the first Iron Man movie?
He was being held hostage in an Afghan cave.
When did Iron Man 2 come out in he cinemas?
Iron Man 2 is a 2010 movie.
How is it called Tony's A.I. system in the MCU?
In the MCU Tony's A.I software is called JARVIS and it stands for "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System".
What keeps Tony Stark alive?
The arc reactor is what keeps Tony alive.
When did Iron Man first appear in comics?
The character made his first appearance in Tales of Suspense #39 (cover-dated March 1963) and received his own title in Iron Man #1 (May 1968).
What is Tony's full name?
Tony Stark's full name is Anthony Edward Tony Stark
How many Iron Man suits have been spotted so far in the MCU?
The right answer is 49 suits.
What is Tony Stark's daughter name?
Tony Stark's daughter name is Morgan.
Who is the bad guy in Iron Man 3?
The supervillain is Aldrich Killian.
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At Marvel Official we are very happy to introduce this new Iron Man game.
In this game, you will test your familiarity with our loved Iron Man.
The quiz is 15 questions long and it will be related to Iron Man comics and movies.
To see the result, you will have to share the quiz on your Facebook page. We believe that this kind of quiz is a way to challenge your friends, and there is no better way than to do it on our favorite social network.
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