How well do you know The Incredible Hulk movie? Let’s find it out with these 10 questions about The Incredible Hulk movie quiz!

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Go ahead and don’t forget to share your result on your Facebook page in order to challenge your friends!
Which phase of the MCU was The Incredible Hulk released in?
Phase one
Which of these movies do the events of The Incredible Hulk not take place at the same time?
Iron Man
What is the name of Bruce's love interest?
According to the star of the movie, how many days has it been since Bruce last transformed into the Hulk?
158 days
Who does Tim Roth play in The Incredible Hulk?
Emil Blonsky
What codename does Samuel Sterns use?
Mr Blue
In the movie, how many beats per minutes does Bruce's heart need to be for him to transform?
Who played The Hulk?
Edward Norton
How much did The Incredible Hulk gross at the box office?
$264.8 million
Where is the bottling factory located that Bruce work with?
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At Marvel Official we are very happy to introduce this new The Hulk game.
In this game, you will test your familiarity with our loved Hulk movie.
The quiz is 10 questions long and it will be related to The Hulk MCU movie.
To see the result you will have to share the quiz on your Facebook page. We believe that this kind of quiz are a way to challenge your friends, and there is no better way than to do it on our favorite social network.
If you are a fan of the quiz, you can also follow us on our Marvel Official Instagram page where you will get an update every time we will post a new game.
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