How well do you know Spider-Man? Let’s find it out with this 15 questions Spider-Man quiz!

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When did Spider-Man first appear?
He first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug. 1962) in the Silver Age of Comic Books.
Who is attributed to the famous line "with great power there must also come great responsibility"?
The line is attributed to his guardian, the late Uncle Ben Parker.
Which of this alternative versions of Spider-Man also come out in the theatre?
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, which depicts the teenager Miles Morales, who takes up the mantle of Spider-Man after Ultimate Peter Parker's supposed death. Miles is later brought into mainstream continuity, where he sometimes works alongside Peter.
Who is the writer-artist of Spider-Man?
Spider-Man is a fictional superhero created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko.
Which one is the correct Spider-Man full name?
The correct full name is Peter Benjamin Parker.
Who was the very first villain Spider-Man had to fight with?
He fought the Burglar, the criminal who robbed his guardians Aunt May and Uncle Ben, killing Uncle Ben during the burglary.
Who was the very first super-villain Spider-Man had to fight with?
The first super-villain Spider-Man had to fight with is Chameleon.
Who played as Peter Parker in the movie "The Amazing Spider-Man"?
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.
What Peter's parent were working for?
Richard and Mary Parker are more than just MacGuffins to get their son into red and blue tights. It was revealed during the late '60s that Spider-Man's parents were actually government agents operating as members of S.H.I.E.L.D. Amidst the many world-saving missions they went on together, they once saved the life of a shirtless Wolverine.
Which girlfriend died falling off the Brooklyn Bridge?
Gwen Stacy has been thrown off the Brooklyn Bridge from the Green Globin.
What side does Spider-Man take on the movie Captian America: Civil War?
Spider-Man toke Tony Star side
What is the name of Peter Parker's bully at school?
Flash Thompson is a star high school football player who mercilessly bullies his high school classmate Peter Parker but greatly admires Spider-Man
What was the first Peter's job?
Peter Parker was working as a photographer at the Daily Bugle
Who is the director of Spider-Man: Homecoming?
Jon Watt directed Spider-Man: Homecoming and also Spider-Man: Far From Home.
Which villain shot Peter in the head?
Kraven Shot Spider-Man in the head.
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At Marvel Official we are very happy to introduce this new Marvel Spider-Man quiz.
In this game, you will test your familiarity with our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
The quiz is 15 questions long and it will be related to Spider-Man comics and movies.
To see the result, you will have to share the quiz on your Facebook page. We believe that this kind of quiz are a way to challenge your friends, and there is no better way than do it on our favorite social network.
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