How Much do you know about Thor: Ragnarok? Let’s find it out with this 10 questions quiz!

Seems like you are ready to start the Thor: Ragnarok Movie quiz.
Go ahead and don’t forget to share your result on your Facebook page to challenge your friends!
Who is Thor: Ragnarok director?
Thor: Ragnarok director is Taika Waititi
When did the movie come out in the theatre?
The movie came out in 2017
From which planet Thor has to escape from?
Thor had to escape from the planet Sakaar
Where Thor and Loki finally found Odin?
Thor and Loki will find Odin in Norway
Who destroyed Asgard?
Asgard has been destroyed from Sartur
Valkyrie's scrapper number?
142 is the correct Valkyrie's scrapper number
Who is the Grandmaster
The Grandmaster is one of the elders of the universe
Which other members of the Avengers did Thor had to fight?
Thor had to fight with the Hulk
Who helped Thor to find his father?
Doctor Strange helped Thor to find Odin
Who was replaced as keeper of the Bifrost Bridge
The Bifrost Bridge was replaced bt Skurge
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At Marvel Official we are very happy to introduce this new Thor: Ragnarok game.
In this game, you will test your familiarity with our loved superhero Thor.
The quiz is 10 questions long and it will be related to the MCU movie Thor: Ragnarok.
To see the result, you will have to share the quiz on your Facebook page. We believe this kind of quiz is a way to challenge your friends, and there is no better way than to do it on our favorite social network.
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